
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pretty please!!!.... With an EGG on top!

Tonight I was wanting to cook a HIGH protein meal with some of my favorites! I wanted this meal to be IN LINE with Slow Carb & Paleo guidelines (technically a sweet potato can be eaten raw... and a "tuber" so I am pretty sure they are allowed! Paleo Friends... correct me if I am wrong!)
Anyway, I cooked a simple meal for JUST ONE tonight. And it has OVER 30 grams of protein.
So here we go..
This is what I used (modify to your taste!)

1 organic sweet potato
1 organic yellow bell pepper
2 HEAPS of organic spinach
1 organic egg
1 organic FROZEN Trader Joe's turkey burger
DASH of Trader Joe's Seasalt, Roasted Garlic, Onion, Parsley blend
1 tablespoon Olive Oil divided into 3 pans
And 1/4 of an avocado (optional)

EASY... cook the sweet potatoes for about 10 minutes before you add bell peppers
1 sw pot
These are the turkey burgers I buy from Trader Joe's... use whatever looks good to you!
2 tuk burg
Cook your egg!
3 egg
Cook your burger! (as directed or use fresh ground turkey)
4 cook burg
Add at least 2 heaps of spinach. This will cook down I promise.
5 add spinach
This is the stellar seasoning I found at Trader Joe's
6 season
And.... ASSEMBLE (with optional 1/4 of an avocado)!
7 done
Like I said.. this has over 30 grams of protein involved.

 It WILL fill you up!
I hope you all enjoy!!

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