
Thursday, February 6, 2014

CONFESSION: I am a nurse and a networking marketing professional.

I am NOT ashamed.

Actually... I am incredibly PROUD!

I am incredibly THANKFUL!

I think maybe I was one of the lucky ones.

I knew NOTHING about network marketing (MLM's) or "pyramid schemes" before joining the Beachbody team.

I didn't have a tainted view because of companies like Amway. I never had any experiences with "sale-sy distributors."


The more and more I read & learn about my profession... the more I understand WHY people are so skeptical. I don't know that I would be completely ALL IN either if I had to buy a bunch of "STUFF" every month or every quarter just to be eligible for commissions, bonuses, incentives, etc. <---- PS I do NOT have to do that as a Beachbody Coach.

I don't know that I would see the BIG picture if I was forced to maintain a certain level of performance.

Ok... enough complaining :)

What I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about my profession, as a network marketer, is that my success is directly related to the degree to which I am willing to work to find other people like ME who are committed to SUCCESS. I mean really.... it's up to ME.


The Direct Selling Association recently celebrated its 100-year anniversary, so it's a tried and true business model that's proven to be solid. Network Marketing is NOT going anywhere. I learned this from Sarah Robbins.

Network Marketing is a profession that PAYS you on your PERFORMANCE. Isn't that how it SHOULD be?

Now ------> I LOVE the nursing field. LOVE it. I will always be a nurse, I just don't want to rely on nursing for my paycheck. Here is why...

As a nurse... I LOVED my patients (as many, not all, of us do). But here is the deal.... I can BUST my butt to give EVERY SINGLE medication, start every bag of fluid, begin each antibiotic, & complete every procedure, RIGHT ON TIME... and no one would notice.

The nurse who works EFFICIENTLY & KINDLY is not paid ANY more (and sometimes LESS) than the nurse who sits in the nurses station eating her bagel, asking her nursing assistant to do everything, and finding a loop hole in the computer system to make it LOOK like all her medications were passed on time.

It's crooked.

The nurse who spends QUALITY time with their patients and family even though she hasn't  sat down in over 7 hours is paid the same (or less) than the nurse who turns her patient phone OFF - because she wants to have about 5 minutes of uninterrupted silence.

Now... I am NOT hating on nurses. I am not claiming to be a perfect nurse. I am just saying...


Network Marketing allows me to design a professional life that fits around the rest of my life. It allows me to choose my dream LIFE over a dream JOB.

There was definitely an OLD way of network marketing. It was sale-sy, pitch-y, uncomfortable, filled with pressure, focused on numbers, and up-selling.

This is the NEW face of network marketing.

We are all Network Marketing Professionals. 

What makes us different?

  • We care about PEOPLE.
  • We invest in relationships.
  • We help people even when they don't BUY something.
  • We don't use guilt or pressure to "close a sale."
  • We focus on freedom & adding VALUE to others. 
  • We share with each other, we don't compete.
  • Our products are ones that actually HELP people!
  • We CHOOSE who we work with!

There are so many reasons why I love being a part of this team. These people are some of my very best friends... the more THEY succeed- the more I succeed! 

If I had to choose my DREAM job all over again - I would STILL choose Network Marketing

The BEST part?

The products we offer aren't candles, makeup, or lotions. Those are all great. But our products focus on HEALTH & CONFIDENCE. They change your life. They do. Weight loss and fitness is NOT just about losing pounds or inches. It's about being PROUD of your personal accomplishment, your progress, your journey. Its about being CONFIDENT because you like the way you look. It isn't ALL about outer beauty/physique.... but taking care of your body is important. When you are UNHAPPY with your body - it spills over to OTHER parts of your life.... because you are DISCONTENT

I love helping women find their confidence. I LOVE IT. 

We will have haters. We will have people who do not understand.... and that is OK.  

I can promise you - this group of women here, and many many more, are changing lives, helping others, & achieving THEIR family's dreams. 

I hope you will consider joining my team. It WILL change your life. 


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