
Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 1 of FEBRUARY Challenge Group!

Here we GO!

Day One of my February Challenge Group!

We are doing the 21 Day FIX. BUT.... because of crazy weather... my program won't be here until Wednesday.

So... I had 2 choices.

1. Use that as an excuse to eat a lot of pizza and M&M's until Wednesday.


2. Get started anyway. SO... I am getting started any way!

Breakfast: 4 Egg Whites, 1/3 cup Oats with Stevia & Cinnamon ... and black COFFEE + H20.

YUM! {really... it was good}

------> 5 more meals to go!

Workout: I am going to do this REP workout that I found on Pinterest with my challengers.

Do it with us!

I am ALSO going to do PlyoFIX tonight. :) Beachbody sent me that workout as a SNEAK PEEK for being an Elite coach. COMING IN HANDY!

As a coach... I do NOT have a perfect body. I don't have ideal measurements, & I am not PHOTO READY (so to speak) all the time. I am ALWAYS moving forward to try to make progress. I'm human! 

So today was DAY ONE for me too.... including BEFORE pictures & measurements.

SO MANY WOMEN rely on the scale to show them progress. I learned NOT to do this. There are so many articles you can GOOGLE to tell you WHY the scale is not the best way to track your progress.

For me, I was a SLAVE to the scale. If the number didn't go down, I was really disappointed in myself & critical. I've learned to use the scale as 1/3 of my check-in system.

My 2 MOST IMPORTANT progress markers are pictures & measurements. I do a WEEKLY picture and take my measurements every 2 weeks.

I am committed to sharing my progress here with you. My goal is a WEEKLY recap with progress pictures. Accountability is the BEST way to stay on track. THAT is why I am doing "THIS" right along with the women in my online challenge group! Thankful for their support!

If you want to join me in an online challenge group ------ FILL THIS OUT!  I host a NEW group EVERY single month!

My COACHES join me and learn the ropes too! They also get a 25% discount on all their Beachbody products. {YES!}

My goals for the next 21 days:

  • More DISCIPLINED version of ME!
  • PORTION control.
  • Celebrate SMALL victories.
  • Help other women see that THEY can do the same!

Stay tuned! I WILL share it all!


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